Because of the poor room temperature plasticity of TiAl-based alloy, fusion weld-ing will easily lead to solid state cracking on account of high-speed cooling and great tendency of quench hardening. 由于TiAl基合金室温塑性差,采用熔焊方法连接时焊后冷却速度块,接头组织淬硬倾向大,易形成固态裂纹。
The examination indicated that the sheave had been failed by plug weld fracture, which was attributed to poor weld quality. 结果表明,绳轮发生分离是由塞焊金属断裂引起的,而其断裂的原因则是焊接质量不良。
Based on the arc light spectrum theory, the auxiliary lighting source and composite filtering techniques were used to solve the negative factors such as poor resolution and radiation disturbance by weld pool. 依据弧光光谱理论,采用辅助光源及复合滤光技术,有效地解决了焊接区熔池成像的干扰和清晰度差等问题。
However, due to its large surface tension, the fluidity of the welding pool is poor and it is difficult to get a larger weld penetration. The weld penetration of Inconel alloy 601 is less than the half of carbon steel under the same welding parameter. Inconel601合金具有良好的焊接性能,但由于其表面张力大,熔池液态金属的流动性能较差,获得的焊缝熔深较浅,在同等的TIG焊工艺参数下熔深不足碳钢的1/2。